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NumericalDifferentiation Methods

Public methodStatic memberGradient(FuncDoubleMatrix, Double, DoubleMatrix)
Returns the gradient of the specified nonparametric function at the given argument.
Public methodStatic memberGradientTFunctionParameter(FuncDoubleMatrix, TFunctionParameter, Double, DoubleMatrix, TFunctionParameter)
Returns the gradient of the specified parametric function at the given argument.
Public methodStatic memberHessian(FuncDoubleMatrix, Double, DoubleMatrix)
Returns the Hessian matrix of the specified nonparametric function at the given argument.
Public methodStatic memberHessianTFunctionParameter(FuncDoubleMatrix, TFunctionParameter, Double, DoubleMatrix, TFunctionParameter)
Returns the Hessian matrix of the specified parametric function at the given argument.
See Also