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DoubleMatrixItem Property (Int32)

Gets or sets the element of this instance corresponding to the specified linear index.

Namespace:  Novacta.Analytics
Assembly:  Novacta.Analytics (in Novacta.Analytics.dll) Version: 2.0.0
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionlinearIndex is less than zero.
linearIndex is equal to or greater than the Count of this instance.

Let LaTeX equation be a matrix, and consider its generic entry

LaTeX equation

where LaTeX equation and LaTeX equation are the number of rows and columns of LaTeX equation, respectively.

A linear index completely identifies an entry, assuming that entries are linearly ordered following the ColumnMajor data order. This means that entry LaTeX equation has linear index equal to LaTeX equation, and matrix entries can be enumerated as follows:

LaTeX equation

where LaTeX equation is the Count of the matrix.


In the following example, a matrix element is accessed using its linear index.

using System;

namespace Novacta.Analytics.CodeExamples
    public class LinearIndexerExample0  
        public void Main()
            // Create a matrix.
            var data = new double[6] {
                10, 20, 30,
                40, 50, 60
            var matrix = DoubleMatrix.Dense(2, 3, data, StorageOrder.RowMajor);
            Console.WriteLine("Initial data matrix:");

            // Specify a linear index.
            int linearIndex = 3;
            Console.WriteLine("Linear index: {0}", linearIndex);

            // Set the corresponding entry.
            matrix[linearIndex] = -50.0;

            Console.WriteLine("Updated data matrix:");

            // Entries can also be accessed using a read-only wrapper of the matrix.
            ReadOnlyDoubleMatrix readOnlyMatrix = matrix.AsReadOnly();

            Console.WriteLine("Updated matrix entry:");

// Executing method Main() produces the following output:
// Initial data matrix:
// 10               20               30               
// 40               50               60               
// Linear index: 3
// Updated data matrix:
// 10               20               30               
// 40               -50              60               
// Updated matrix entry:
// -50

See Also