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CombinationOptimizationContext Properties

The CombinationOptimizationContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCombinationDimension
Gets the dimension of a combination represented by a system's state when a CrossEntropyProgram executes in this context.
Protected propertyEliteSampleDefinition
Gets the elite sample definition for this context.
(Inherited from SystemPerformanceOptimizationContext.)
Public propertyInitialParameter
Gets the parameter initially exploited to sample from the state-space of the system defined by this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Public propertyMaximumNumberOfIterations
Gets the maximum number of iterations allowed by this context.
(Inherited from SystemPerformanceOptimizationContext.)
Public propertyMinimumNumberOfIterations
Gets the minimum number of iterations required by this context.
(Inherited from SystemPerformanceOptimizationContext.)
Public propertyOptimizationGoal
Gets a constant specifying if the performance function in this context must be minimized or maximized.
(Inherited from SystemPerformanceOptimizationContext.)
Public propertyProbabilitySmoothingCoefficient
Gets the coefficient that defines the smoothing scheme for the probabilities of the Cross-Entropy parameters exploited by this context.
Public propertyStateDimension
Gets or sets the dimension of a vector representing a system's state when a CrossEntropyProgram executes in this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Public propertyTraceExecution
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the execution of this context must be traced.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
See Also