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RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext Class

Represents a Cross-Entropy context in which the estimation of a rare event probability is obtained by exploiting a RareEventProbabilityEstimator instance.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Novacta.Analytics.Advanced
Assembly:  Novacta.Analytics (in Novacta.Analytics.dll) Version: 2.0.0
public abstract class RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext : CrossEntropyContext

The RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext type exposes the following members.

Protected methodRareEventProbabilityEstimationContext
Initializes a new instance of the RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext class having the specified state dimension, threshold level, and boundedness.
Protected propertyEliteSampleDefinition
Gets the elite sample definition for this context.
(Overrides CrossEntropyContextEliteSampleDefinition.)
Public propertyInitialParameter
Gets the parameter initially exploited to sample from the state-space of the system defined by this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Public propertyRareEventPerformanceBoundedness
Gets a constant specifying if the rare event is a set of states whose performances are lower or upper bounded by the ThresholdLevel of this instance.
Public propertyStateDimension
Gets or sets the dimension of a vector representing a system's state when a CrossEntropyProgram executes in this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Public propertyThresholdLevel
Get the threshold level applied to bound the performances characterizing the rare event taken into account by this context.
Public propertyTraceExecution
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the execution of this context must be traced.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetLikelihoodRatio
Gets the likelihood ratio of a nominal density to a given reference one, evaluated at the specified sample point.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnExecutedIteration
Called after completion of each iteration of a CrossEntropyProgram executing in this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Protected methodPartialSample
Draws the specified subset of a sample from a distribution characterized by the given parameter, using the stated random number generator. Used when executing the sampling step of a CrossEntropyProgram running in this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Protected methodPerformance
Defines the performance of a specified state in this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)
Protected methodStopExecution
Specifies conditions under which a CrossEntropyProgram executing in this context should be considered as terminated.
(Overrides CrossEntropyContextStopExecution(Int32, LinkedListDouble, LinkedListDoubleMatrix).)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodUpdateLevel
Updates the performance level for the current iteration of a CrossEntropyProgram executing in this context and determines the corresponding elite sample.
(Overrides CrossEntropyContextUpdateLevel(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix, EliteSampleDefinition, Double, DoubleMatrix).)
Protected methodUpdateParameter
Updates the sampling parameter attending the generation of the sample in the next iteration of a CrossEntropyProgram executing in this context.
(Inherited from CrossEntropyContext.)

A RareEventProbabilityEstimator is executed by calling its Estimate method. This is a template method, in the sense that it defines the invariant parts of a Cross-Entropy program for rare event simulation. Such method relies on an instance of class RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext, which is passed as a parameter to it and specifies the primitive operations of the template method, i.e. those varying steps of the algorithm that depends on the problem under study.

Class RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext thoroughly defines the rare event of interest, and supplies the primitive operations as abstract methods, that its subclasses will override to provide the concrete behavior of the estimator.

A Cross-Entropy estimator is designed to evaluate the probability of rare events regarding the performance of complex systems. It is assumed that such probability must be evaluated with respect to a specific density function, member of a parametric family

LaTeX equation

where LaTeX equation is a vector representing a possible state of the system, and LaTeX equation is the set of allowable values for parameter LaTeX equation.

Let LaTeX equation be an extreme performance value, referred to as the threshold level, and consider the event LaTeX equation defined as

LaTeX equation


LaTeX equation

where LaTeX equation is the state space of the system and LaTeX equation is the function returning the system performance at state LaTeX equation. Let us assume that the probability of an event having form LaTeX equation or LaTeX equation must be evaluated under the specific parameter value LaTeX equation, the so called nominal parameter: such probabilities can be evaluated by a Cross-Entropy estimator.

At instantiation, the constructor of a RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext object will receive information about the rare event under study by means of parameters representing LaTeX equation, LaTeX equation, and a constant stating if the event has the form LaTeX equation or LaTeX equation.

After construction, property ThresholdLevel represents LaTeX equation, while LaTeX equation can be inspected via property InitialParameter. Lastly, property RareEventPerformanceBoundedness signals that the event has the form LaTeX equation if it evaluates to the constant Lower, or that it has the form LaTeX equation if it evaluates to the constant Upper.

Implementing a context for rare event simulation

The Cross-Entropy method provides an iterative multi step procedure, where, at each iteration LaTeX equation, the sampling step is executed in order to generate diverse candidate states of the system, sampled from a distribution characterized by the reference parameter of the iteration, say LaTeX equation. Such sample is thus exploited in the updating step, in which a new level LaTeX equation and a new reference parameter LaTeX equation are identified to modify the distribution from which the samples will be obtained in the next iteration, in order to improve the probability of sampling relevant states, i.e. those states corresponding to the performance excesses of interest (See the documentation of class CrossEntropyProgram for a thorough discussion of the Cross-Entropy method).

When the Cross-Entropy method is applied in an rare event context, the estimating step is executed, in which the rare event probability is effectively estimated.

These steps must be implemented as follows.

Sampling step

Since class RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext derives from CrossEntropyContext, property StateDimension will return the dimension of the points in the Cross-Entropy samples. If a state LaTeX equation of the system can be represented as a vector of length LaTeX equation, as in LaTeX equation, then LaTeX equation should be returned. In addition, method PartialSample(Double, TupleInt32, Int32, RandomNumberGenerator, DoubleMatrix, Int32) must be overriden to determine how to draw the sample locally to a given thread when processing in parallel the sampling step.

Updating step

Class RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext overrides for you the methods required for ordering the system performances of the states sampled in the previous step, and for updating the iteration levels. However, to complete the implementation of the updating step, function LaTeX equation must be defined via method Performance(DoubleMatrix), and method UpdateParameter(LinkedListDoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix) also needs to be overridden. Given LaTeX equation and LaTeX equation, the method is expected to return the solution to the following program:

LaTeX equation


LaTeX equation

is the Likelihood ratio of LaTeX equation to LaTeX equation evaluated at LaTeX equation, LaTeX equation is the set of elite sample positions (row indexes of the matrix returned by method Sample, with LaTeX equation being the LaTeX equation-th row of such matrix and LaTeX equation being its number of rows. Method UpdateParameter receives two parameters. The first is a LinkedListT of DoubleMatrix instances, representing the reference parameters applied in previous iterations. The instance returned by property Last corresponds to parameter LaTeX equation. The second method parameter is a DoubleMatrix instance whose rows represent the elite points sampled in the current iteration.

Estimating step

The estimating step is executed after that the underlying Cross-Entropy program has converged. Given the optimal parameter LaTeX equation, a Likelihood estimator based on the ratio LaTeX equation is exploited by drawing a sample from density LaTeX equation. Method GetLikelihoodRatio(DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix, DoubleMatrix) must be overridden in order to evaluate the ratio at a specific sample point for a given pair of nominal and reference parameters.


The following example is based on the Rare-Event Simulation Example proposed by Rubinstein and Kroese (Section 2.2.1)[1] .

A Cross-Entropy estimator is exploited to analyze, under extreme conditions, the length LaTeX equation of the shortest path from node LaTeX equation to node LaTeX equation in the undirected graph depicted in the following figure.

100%Shortest path from A to BRareEventExample.png

There are 5 edges in the graph. Their lengths are represented as independent and exponentially distributed random variables LaTeX equation, with variable LaTeX equation having a specific mean LaTeX equation, for LaTeX equation, forming the following nominal parameter:

LaTeX equation

In order to represent a possible state LaTeX equation of such system, we hence need a vector of length 5:

LaTeX equation

and the performance of the system is the total length LaTeX equation of the shortest path given LaTeX equation, i.e.

LaTeX equation

The likelihood ratio of LaTeX equation to the generic density LaTeX equation is

LaTeX equation

At iteration LaTeX equation, the parameter updating formula is, for LaTeX equation,

LaTeX equation

where LaTeX equation.

In this example, we want to estimate the probability of observing a shortest path greater than or equal to a level set as LaTeX equation. This is equivalent to define the target event as LaTeX equation.

Estimating the probability of an extreme shortest path in a network.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Novacta.Analytics.Advanced;
using System.Linq;

namespace Novacta.Analytics.CodeExamples.Advanced
    public class CrossEntropyEstimatorExample0  
        class RareShortestPathProbabilityEstimation
            : RareEventProbabilityEstimationContext
            public RareShortestPathProbabilityEstimation()
                : base(
                    // There are 5 edges in the network under study.
                    // Hence we need a vector of length 5 to represent
                    // the state of the system, i.e. the observed lengths 
                    // corresponding to such edges.
                    stateDimension: 5,
                    // Set the threshold level and the rare event 
                    // boundedness in order to target the probability 
                    // of the event {2.0 <= Performance(x)}.
                    thresholdLevel: 2.0,
                    // Define the nominal parameter of interest.
                    initialParameter: DoubleMatrix.Dense(1, 5,
                        new double[] { 0.25, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2 })

            // Define the performance function of the 
            // system under study.
            protected override double Performance(DoubleMatrix x)
                // Compute the lengths of the possible 
                // paths when the state of the system is x.
                DoubleMatrix paths = DoubleMatrix.Dense(4, 1);
                paths[0] = x[0] + x[3];
                paths[1] = x[0] + x[2] + x[4];
                paths[2] = x[1] + x[4];
                paths[3] = x[1] + x[2] + x[3];

                // Compute the shortest path.
                var indexValuePair = Stat.Min(paths);

                // Return the shortest path.
                return indexValuePair.Value;

            // Set how to sample system states
            // given the specified parameter. 
            protected override void PartialSample(
                double[] destinationArray,
                Tuple<int, int> sampleSubsetRange,
                RandomNumberGenerator randomNumberGenerator,
                DoubleMatrix parameter,
                int sampleSize)
                // Must be Item1 included, Item2 excluded
                int subSampleSize = sampleSubsetRange.Item2 - sampleSubsetRange.Item1;
                int leadingDimension = Convert.ToInt32(sampleSize);
                for (int j = 0; j < this.StateDimension; j++)
                    var distribution = new ExponentialDistribution(1.0 / parameter[j])
                        RandomNumberGenerator = randomNumberGenerator
                         destinationArray, j * leadingDimension + sampleSubsetRange.Item1);

            // Define the Likelihood ratio for the 
            // problem under study.
            protected override double GetLikelihoodRatio(
                DoubleMatrix samplePoint,
                DoubleMatrix nominalParameter,
                DoubleMatrix referenceParameter)
                var x = samplePoint;
                var u = nominalParameter;
                var v = referenceParameter;
                var prod = 1.0;
                var sum = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < x.Count; j++)
                    prod *= v[j] / u[j];
                    sum += x[j] * (1.0 / u[j] - 1.0 / v[j]);

                return Math.Exp(-sum) * prod;

            // Set how to update the parameter via 
            // the elite sample.
            protected override DoubleMatrix UpdateParameter(
                LinkedList<DoubleMatrix> parameters,
                DoubleMatrix eliteSample)
                var nominalParameter = parameters.First.Value;
                var referenceParameter = parameters.Last.Value;

                var ratios = DoubleMatrix.Dense(1, eliteSample.NumberOfRows);

                var u = nominalParameter;
                var w = referenceParameter;
                for (int i = 0; i < eliteSample.NumberOfRows; i++)
                    var x = eliteSample[i, ":"];
                    ratios[i] = this.GetLikelihoodRatio(x, u, w);

                var newParameter = (ratios * eliteSample);
                var sumOfRatios = Stat.Sum(ratios);
                newParameter.InPlaceApply(d => d / sumOfRatios);

                return newParameter;

        public void Main()
            // Create the context.
            var context = new RareShortestPathProbabilityEstimation();

            // Create the estimator.
            var estimator = new RareEventProbabilityEstimator()
                PerformanceEvaluationParallelOptions = { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 },
                SampleGenerationParallelOptions = { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }

            // Set estimation parameters.
            double rarity = 0.1;
            int sampleSize = 1000;
            int finalSampleSize = 10000;

            // Solve the problem.
            var results = estimator.Estimate(

            // Show the results.
            Console.WriteLine("Under the nominal parameter:");
            Console.WriteLine("the estimated probability of observing");
            Console.WriteLine("a shortest path greater than 2.0 is:");

            Console.WriteLine("Details on iterations:");

            var info = DoubleMatrix.Dense(
                -1 + results.Parameters.Count,
                1 + results.Parameters.Last.Value.Count);

            info.SetColumnName(0, "Level");
            for (int j = 1; j < info.NumberOfColumns; j++)
                info.SetColumnName(j, "Param" + (j - 1).ToString());

            int i = 0;
            foreach (var level in results.Levels)
                info[i++, 0] = level;

            var referenceParameters = results.Parameters.Skip(1).ToList();
            var paramIndexes = IndexCollection.Range(1, info.NumberOfColumns - 1);
            for (i = 0; i < info.NumberOfRows; i++)
                info[i, paramIndexes] = referenceParameters[i];


// Executing method Main() produces the following output:
// Under the nominal parameter:
// 0.25             0.4              0.1              0.3              0.2              
// the estimated probability of observing
// a shortest path greater than 2.0 is:
// 1.339307437308636E-05
// Details on iterations:
// [Level]          [Param0]         [Param1]         [Param2]         [Param3]         [Param4]         
// 0.5701086        0.483438676      0.736805982      0.116523615      0.480972597      0.351788383      
// 1.00101664       0.778124668      1.03296697       0.139379404      0.611880162      0.445196897      
// 1.43228893       1.12582143       1.36538794       0.135058159      0.663007916      0.532245242      
// 1.90265032       1.4492325        1.59888059       0.114423424      0.800780865      0.682784109      
// 2                1.87183229       1.86492053       0.115583952      0.913234886      0.802443085      

[1] Rubinstein, R.Y. and Kroese, D.P., The Cross-Entropy Method, A unified Approach to Combinatorial Optimization, Monte-Carlo Simulation, and Machine Learning, Springer, New York. (2004)
See Also