Operating on integers

Class IntegerOperation provides method Operate to manage operations on integer values.

In the following example, an integer is squared executing the Operate method. This is equivalent to define the applied function, say LaTeX equation as

LaTeX equation

In addition, input validation is also checked.

using System;
namespace SampleClassLibrary.CodeExamples
    public class IntegerOperationExample  
        public void Main() 
            // Define an operator that squares its operand
            Func<int, int> square = (int operand) => operand * operand;

            // Define an operand
            int integer = 2;

            // Operate on it
            Console.WriteLine("Squaring {0}...", integer);
            int result = IntegerOperation.Operate(square, integer);
            Console.WriteLine("...the result is {0}.", result);

            // Check that an operator cannot be null
                IntegerOperation.Operate(null, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot apply a null function:");

// Executing method Main() produces the following output:
// Squaring 2...
// ...the result is 4.
// Cannot apply a null function:
// Value cannot be null.
// Parameter name: func

A representation of the applied function is plotted as follows.
