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DoubleMatrix Properties

The DoubleMatrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumnNames
Exposes the dictionary of column names, keyed by column indexes.
Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements in this instance.
Public propertyHasColumnNames
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has at least a named column.
Public propertyHasRowNames
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has at least a named row.
Public propertyIsBidiagonal
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is bidiagonal.
Public propertyIsColumnVector
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a column vector.
Public propertyIsDiagonal
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is diagonal.
Public propertyIsHermitian
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is Hermitian.
Public propertyIsHessenberg
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is Hessenberg.
Public propertyIsLowerBidiagonal
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is lower bidiagonal.
Public propertyIsLowerHessenberg
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is lower Hessenberg.
Public propertyIsLowerTriangular
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is lower triangular.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is read-only.
Public propertyIsRowVector
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a row vector.
Public propertyIsScalar
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is scalar.
Public propertyIsSkewHermitian
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is Skew-Hermitian.
Public propertyIsSkewSymmetric
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is skew symmetric.
Public propertyIsSquare
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is square.
Public propertyIsSymmetric
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is symmetric.
Public propertyIsTriangular
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is triangular.
Public propertyIsTridiagonal
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is tridiagonal.
Public propertyIsUpperBidiagonal
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is upper bidiagonal.
Public propertyIsUpperHessenberg
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is upper Hessenberg.
Public propertyIsUpperTriangular
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is upper triangular.
Public propertyIsVector
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a vector.
Public propertyCode exampleItemInt32
Gets or sets the element of this instance corresponding to the specified linear index.
Public propertyCode exampleItemIndexCollection, IndexCollection
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemIndexCollection, Int32
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemIndexCollection, String
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemInt32, IndexCollection
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemInt32, Int32
Gets or sets the element of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemInt32, String
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemString, IndexCollection
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemString, Int32
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyCode exampleItemString, String
Gets or sets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyItemIndexCollection, IndexCollection, Boolean Obsolete.
Gets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyItemIndexCollection, String, Boolean Obsolete.
Gets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyItemString, IndexCollection, Boolean Obsolete.
Gets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyItemString, String, Boolean Obsolete.
Gets the elements of this instance corresponding to the specified row and column indexes.
Public propertyLowerBandwidth
Gets the lower bandwidth of this instance.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of this instance.
Public propertyNumberOfColumns
Gets the number of columns of this instance.
Public propertyNumberOfRows
Gets the number of rows of this instance.
Public propertyRowNames
Exposes the dictionary of row names, keyed by row indexes.
Public propertyStorageOrder
Gets the storage order of this instance.
Public propertyStorageScheme
Gets the storage scheme of this instance.
Public propertyUpperBandwidth
Gets the upper bandwidth of this instance.
See Also